Our Whitening for life program requires you keep your regular hygiene maintenance two times a year, for which we will be happy to supply you at each checkup with whitening gel at no additional cost to you! Existing Patients:
If you have already had whitening done in our office and already have whitening trays, you will automatically be enrolled in our exciting new Whitening For Life program after you sign our Whitening For Life contract. Then, as you come in two times yearly for your regular dental checkups, you will receive whitening gel at no cost to you.
If you have not already had whitening done in our office and you would like to join our Whitening For Life program you can schedule an appointment for the initial custom fitted professional whitening trays. Then as you come in two times yearly for your regular dental checkups, you will receive whitening gel at no cost to you.Please call our office at (727) 822-8101 before your next appointment to let us know if you are interested in our Whitening For Life program.