Posts in the ‘Events’ Category

Special Operation Warrior Foundation

Special Operations Warrior Foundation

Proud to Support our Veterans For the fifth year in a row, Dr. Ferullo and the Downtown Dentist team is happy to sponsor a fundraiser contest for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. Between now and Veteran’s Day, you can drop your cash or check into Uncle Sam’s hat along with your name and number. This

Dentistry has a Heart

February is Dentistry has a Heart Month

Dr. John A. Ferullo Invites You to Participate in Dentistry has a Heart Month Your Downtown Dentist, Dr. John Ferullo believes in the importance of Heart Healthy Dentistry in St. Petersburg.  That is why for the 5th year, he is hosting Dentistry Has a Heart breakfast where people can enjoy coffee, a continental breakfast, and

Your downtown dentist

Dentistry Has A Heart Month With Dr. Ferullo in St. Petersburg

Victoria Clayton from the Bay Area Heart Center tells why they chose to partner with Dr. John Ferullo and his staff to promote good oral health to reduce cardiovascular disease.

Support us in Relay for Life

Hello to my valued friends!!!! I am very proud to announce that my daughter, Raven is a freshman at the University of Florida in the pre-veterinary program and she has decided to get involved with the American Cancer Society. She is teaming up with the Relay for Life Program. Personally I have lost very dear

Angels After Dark

To continue our 25th anniversary celebration, mark your calendars for November 1st, 2013 to come out to Angels After Dark craft fair and support a great cause.  The location of this great arts and crafts show is in our building, the Tower at One Progress Plaza (fomerly The Bank Of America Tower). It is a day

Tell A Friend - Dr. Ferullo is a Dentist in St. Petersburg

Address & Social

Dr Ferullo
200 Central Avenue
Suite #830
St. Petersburg, FL 33701

Tel: 727-822-8101
Email Us

Dr. Ferullo is a Proud Member of Academy of Laser Dentistry Proud Member of Academy of Laser Dentistry
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